KDE 4.2 Beta 1 availble for Intrepid

Lindsay Mathieson lindsay.mathieson at gmail.com
Sat Dec 6 00:30:30 UTC 2008

On Sat, 6 Dec 2008 10:09:08 am lists at ptfd.org wrote:
> Ahh used apt. I knew there was a trick that I missed somewhere. I may leave
> it if there is so much trouble with kmail.

<enabling>But that's where all the best new goodies are!</enabling>

There's some lovely new grouping features in Kmail, group by date with 
threading enabled is surprisingly useful.

Knew I should have taken notes ...

I had to re-register the akonadiserver with dbus before the (automatic) 
akonadi migration would work.

Then I had issues with kmail starting outside of kontact - if you don't use 
kontact then probably not an issue. To resolve it I went into SystemSettings|
KDE4 Resources and switched all the resources back from akonadi back to std 
kmail resources.

This probably won't be an issue at all if you  don't have kmail in groupware 
mode or use the std kontact file resources - I use IMAP ones for contacts and 

Lindsay Mathieson

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