Home Directory **RESOLVED**

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Fri Dec 5 23:30:24 UTC 2008

Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> On Sat, 6 Dec 2008 09:00:23 am Steven Vollom wrote:
>> Will you explain 'stored on my (separate) IMAP server'?  Could I do
>> that?  And how?
> I have a server PC (actually a mythbuntu box) that runs my private IMAP 
> server. It pulls all my emails from my ISP for me and stores them on its hard 
> disk. The IMAP server makes them accessible via imap which is a email 
> retrieval protocol like POP. Unlike pop it is designed for remote access so 
> the emails stay on the server and my desktop KMail just views them remotely. 
> It means if I trash my desktop - which I do on a regular basis because I just 
> can't resist tweaking things :)  then my emails and contacts are still safely 
> stored on the server. Also I get webmail as well.
> However setting up and maintaining a IMAP server is a non trivial task.

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