Kmail and Yahoo (was Re: konqueror search engines)

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Fri Dec 5 23:17:04 UTC 2008

Lindsay Mathieson wrote:
> On Sat, 6 Dec 2008 08:44:28 am Steven Vollom wrote:
>> steven at Studio25:~$ ps -e|grep kmail
>>  6873 pts/1    00:00:03 kmail
>> steven at Studio25:~$
>> steven at Studio25:~$
>> I copied and pasted the first part to the email before I entered ps
>> -e|grep kmail.
> Thanks Steve, but you were meant to do that *before* running kmail so as to 
> check it wasn't already running :)
> I'm not seeing any sign of a message compose or send attempt in the logging - 
> could you try again ? Close kmail after the send.
> Also - the message just staying in your outbox doesn't it?
I opened Konsole typed in 'ps -e|grep kmail' then typed in 'kmail' and 
it opened.  I then double-clicked the email in the Outbox; it opened.  I 
clicked Send.  I then closed  the Kmail program.  I typed kmail in the 
terminal.  Below is everything that showed up in the Konsole:

steven at Studio25:~$ ps -e|grep kmail
 6873 ?        00:00:03 kmail
steven at Studio25:~$ kmail

steven at Studio25:~$
steven at Studio25:~$ kmail
steven at Studio25:~$

I was expecting more information. 

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