Kmail and Yahoo (was Re: konqueror search engines)

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Fri Dec 5 22:44:28 UTC 2008

> There should have been *heaps* of output on the console.
The other time I enter kmail and pressed enter, it just returned on the 
very next line as follows: steven at Studio25:~$.  I don't remember if 
Kmail was closed so perhaps that is what happened.  This time I am 
getting lots of info.  Here it is:
WeaverThreadLogger: thread (ID: 1) suspended.
WeaverThreadLogger: thread (ID: 2) suspended.
WeaverThreadLogger: thread (ID: 3) suspended.
WeaverThreadLogger: thread (ID: 4) suspended.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel( kacc = 0x81a2bb8 ): 
KAccel object already contains an action name "move_message_to_folder"
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel( kacc = 0x81a2bb8 ): 
KAccel object already contains an action name "copy_message_to_folder"
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel( kacc = 0x81a2bb8 ): 
KAccel object already contains an action name "jump_to_folder"
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel( kacc = 0x81a2bb8 ): 
KAccel object already contains an action name "jump_to_folder"
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel( kacc = 0x81a2bb8 ): 
KAccel object already contains an action name "cancel"
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel( kacc = 0x81a2bb8 ): 
KAccel object already contains an action name "inc_current_folder"
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel( kacc = 0x81a2bb8 ): 
KAccel object already contains an action name "dec_current_folder"
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel( kacc = 0x81a2bb8 ): 
KAccel object already contains an action name "select_current_folder"
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel( kacc = 0x81a2bb8 ): 
KAccel object already contains an action name "inc_current_message"
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel( kacc = 0x81a2bb8 ): 
KAccel object already contains an action name "dec_current_message"
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel( kacc = 0x81a2bb8 ): 
KAccel object already contains an action name "select_current_message"
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel( kacc = 0x81a2bb8 ): 
KAccel object already contains an action name "edit"
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel( kacc = 0x81a2bb8 ): 
KAccel object already contains an action name "delete"
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel( kacc = 0x81a2bb8 ): 
KAccel object already contains an action name "post_message"
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel( kacc = 0x81a2bb8 ): 
KAccel object already contains an action name "use_template"
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel(): call to deprecated action.
kdecore (KAction): WARNING: KAction::plugAccel( kacc = 0x81a2bb8 ): 
KAccel object already contains an action name "display_message"
steven at Studio25:~$

steven at Studio25:~$ ps -e|grep kmail
 6873 pts/1    00:00:03 kmail
steven at Studio25:~$
steven at Studio25:~$

I copied and pasted the first part to the email before I entered ps 
-e|grep kmail.

>  Did you close kmail 
> first before starting it from the console?
>  Remember that KMail can close to the 
> tray which means it is still running. If so then right click its tray icon and 
> choose quit.
> To double check it no longer running type the following on the konsole:
>   ps -e|grep kmail
> If kmail is output then its still running.
> (How this works - Ignore the following explanation if you like)
> "ps -e" lists all the running processes. The "|" symbol "pipes" the output to 
> the "grep" command. "grep kmail" filters the output for just the lines that 
> contain "kmail". The overall effect is to just list the running processes 
> called "kmail"
> Assuming kmail is no longer running try running kmail from the konsole and 
> sending a email to yahoo again.
How do I send an email from the konsole?
> Cheers,

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