Keep it short
Steven Vollom
stevenvollom at
Fri Dec 5 19:37:47 UTC 2008
Dotan Cohen wrote:
> 2008/12/5 Steven Vollom <stevenvollom at>:
>> Arnaud bourree wrote:
>>> +1
>>> 2008/12/5 Wendell Cochran <atrypa at <mailto:atrypa at>>
>>> Date: Fri, 05 Dec 2008 09:51:02 -0500
>>> From: Steven Vollom <stevenvollom at
>>> <mailto:stevenvollom at>>
>>> Subject: Re: Kmail and Yahoo (was Re: konqueror search engines)
>>> Steve, I realize that time is short & that you have much to do.
>>> And I dislike adding to your burden, but:
>>> Please trim your posts.
>>> In the one cited above, more than 150 lines -- six full screens! --
>>> could have been omitted without loss.
>>> Trimming will give you practice in using an editor. (I recommend vi.)
>>> Trimming forces review of the topic & discussion thereof.
>>> Short posts attract readers; long posts encourage them to skip on to
>>> the next thing. (We're all in hurry.)
>>> In short, brevity will help others help you.
>>> Wendell Cochran
>>> West Seattle
>>> --
>>> kubuntu-users mailing list
>>> kubuntu-users at <mailto:kubuntu-users at>
>>> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
>> I am sorry, I will try.
> I am quoting in full because the content was so funny.
> Steven, you quoted almost 40 lines to answer a one line post asking
> you to trim your quotes. Try harder! I see that you are using
> Thunderbird, a mail client that does not hide the full text of
> replies. So you can plainly see what you are quoting. Trim it!
> You might also want to look into Kmail, which lets one highlight the
> parts of messages that he wants to quote. Kmail really is a great
> email client.
I haven't been able to get the send portion of kmail to work. lots of
help but no solution.
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