Kmail and Yahoo (was Re: konqueror search engines)

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Fri Dec 5 04:48:56 UTC 2008

David McGlone wrote:
> On Thursday 04 December 2008 5:34:10 pm Steven Vollom wrote:
>> David McGlone wrote:
>>> On Thursday 04 December 2008 3:55:08 pm Steven Vollom wrote:
>>>> David McGlone wrote:
>>>>> On Thursday 04 December 2008 1:54:56 pm Steven Vollom wrote:
>>>>>> David McGlone wrote:
>>>>>>> On Wednesday 03 December 2008 10:46:12 pm Steven Vollom wrote:
>>>>>>>> lindsay.mathieson at wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Steve, I'd like to investigate more but the Yahoo SMTP send
>>>>>>>>> requires a commercial Yahoo account, which I don't have.
>>>>>>>>> If you have a spare guest email login for Yahoo you can send to me
>>>>>>>>> privately I can test against my KMail 4.1 and if necessary against
>>>>>>>>> the 4.2 beta.
>>>>>>>> sI have no idea how to do that.  Absolutely, if we can do this in a
>>>>>>>> way that some troublemaker who is eavesdropping can't make my life a
>>>>>>>> nightmare.  It sure would be nice to have it fixed.  I really want
>>>>>>>> to start using Kubuntu and KDE exclusively where they provide the
>>>>>>>> package for whatever.  I am a believer, finally.
>>>>>>> SBCGLOBAL is now att, your SMTP should be
>>>>>> Dear David,
>>>>>> I changed it from smtp to mail, but it still remains in the outbox and
>>>>>> does not send.  Pretty confusing isn't it.
>>>>> Steven, I am absolutely sorry, I meant to type
>>>> No need to apologize, it gave me momentary hope.  That always feels
>>>> good.  That is the way I have it entered,  Thanks
>>>> for trying.  I will get it eventually, if not with this computer, on my
>>>> new one.
>>> What port are you using?
>> 465.  Someone gave me a port 5xx something; I tried it too, and it did
>> not work.
> Server requires authentication should be checked stevenvollom at 
> should be in the username and your password should be there.  authentication 
> menthod should be plain and encryption should SSL
That is exactly the way I have always had it.  Thanks again.  You can 
see why it is  so frustrating, can't you?


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