KDE animations choppy, video flashes

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Thu Dec 4 20:52:33 UTC 2008

Dotan Cohen wrote:
> On a machine I built with an Asus motherboard with onboard ATI
> graphics I installed Kubuntu 8.10 (KDE 4.1) and the proprietary ATI
> drivers. On this machine the composite effects are very choppy, and
> video flashes when it plays. Where should I start debugging?
Wow! Dotan, I can't help, but someone will, this is a problem with a lot 
of recent attention.  I think I read about some progress recently.

You just wrote on another matter thin I read this post.  I am building a 
computer now too.  I have an  AMD quad core with an ASUS Mempipe 
Motherboard.  To start with I am only going to use the onboard video and 
sound, but Video is nVidia 8400 GForce so I will be listening in avidly 
to response to your post.

You won't believe it, but my new computer all started with raising my 
current memory from 512mb to 1gb.  As the kids would say, Go Figure.  
Anyway, the new machine will have 8gb of memory due to an incredible bid 
I made on Ebay.  I can't wait to get it running.

Good luck with your solution.  This is the best forum in the world; I am 
sure someone will come up to the plate and hit a homer for you.  If you 
don't understand baseball you won't understand that.  There is a sharp 
bunch following this List, and the help is spectacular.

Cheers!  No need to respond,

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