Where is the services menu in Kubuntu 8.10 (KDE 4.1)?

Nigel Henry cave.dnb2m97pp at aliceadsl.fr
Thu Dec 4 19:40:27 UTC 2008

On Thursday 04 December 2008 19:59, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> In Kubuntu 8.01 with KDE 4.1, where does a user configure what
> services (bluetooth, ftp, ssh) are running? System Setting has the KDE
> Services menu, but that does not include non-KDE services such as FTP.
> --
> Dotan Cohen

Hi Dotan. Try an apt-get install sysv-rc-conf, then sudo sysv-rc-conf, and you 
should have a list of services running, and not running. May be best to 
maximise KDE's Konsole for it to display properly, otherwise it complains.


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