Spider Solitaire

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Thu Dec 4 13:42:12 UTC 2008

Ignazio Palmisano wrote:
> Steven Vollom wrote:
>> Derek Broughton wrote:
>>> Steven Vollom wrote:
>>>> I couldn't find KPatience in apt-get or Adept Package Manager
>>> As I said, "kpat".  kpat is the package,  KPatience may be the actual 
>>> game.  You really need to learn to use the basic commands of your 
>>> system.  Searching for kpatience with "apt-cache search" finds kpat.
>> I would give anything to be able to do that.  I have so many things that 
>> I am resolving right now, I can't find the time to find the source for 
>> that tutorial.  Let me ask you this, do I type into the terminal the 
>> following:  *sudo apt-cashe search kpatience *to get that result.  I 
>                            ^^^^cache
>> don't know when to use sudo and when it isn't necessary.  Additionally,
> sudo is needed when working with package managers. If you are not sure 
> when sudo is needed, try without it. You will get an error when it's needed.
>> I will have to practice many times before I am able to remember what I 
>> am doing and what the anticipated result will be.  (Old w/fading memory).
> What's the use of memory for this? To remember long strings of commands 
> and their use is the right job for a file.
> HTH,
> I.

I am laughing right now.  You all are so wonderful, in trying to help 
me.  If I understand your last comment, are you talking about computer 
memory or my personal memory?  '(Old w/fading memory)'  refers to me.  I 
am struggling to keep my brain functioning.  I am getting old and like 
everyone old, I have memory loss. 

It may seem as though I am not trying, but for quite a while now, I have 
been on the computer 20 hours a day, learning and solving problems.  
Because of my understanding limitations, I have to work at it.  And if 
you guys don't lose patience with me, eventually I will get it all.  I 
am a person who is not really stupid; I can do some pretty incredible 
things that most others can not, but I have a learning disability.  In 
time, we will be on the same channel, but for now, I am working as hard 
as I can, just trying to adjust the focus.

I suspect now that you have read a few my posts, you probably think you 
are talking to a rock.  I am laughing again, because this is something I 
have to live with, but when I get hooked into this thing you may have 
trouble keeping up with me.  Who knows, it has happened before.

It is unfair for me to put you all through this, but it is the only way 
I can proceed.  One day, and I think pretty soon, I will say, "I get it" 
and we will seamlessly walk through the most complex of problems in the 
operation of computers, and I will be on the same page.  I will 
contribute.  You will scratch your head and say, "what happened to him, 
I thought he was a rock and could not absorb anything."  I can't wait 
for that day, because I want very much to be able to help others the way 
you have been helping me.  I am laughing again, because I love you guys 
so much.  It would drive me nuts to have to teach someone like me.  
You're just great, much more so than you will ever probably know.

Cudos, Cheers!, Ciao Bello, and Cordially,


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