Kmail and Yahoo (was Re: konqueror search engines)

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at
Thu Dec 4 03:46:12 UTC 2008

lindsay.mathieson at wrote:
> Steve, I'd like to investigate more but the Yahoo SMTP send requires a 
> commercial Yahoo account, which I don't have.
> If you have a spare guest email login for Yahoo you can send to me 
> privately I can test against my KMail 4.1 and if necessary against the 
> 4.2 beta.
I have no idea how to do that.  Absolutely, if we can do this in a way 
that some troublemaker who is eavesdropping can't make my life a 
nightmare.  It sure would be nice to have it fixed.  I really want to 
start using Kubuntu and KDE exclusively where they provide the package 
for whatever.  I am a believer, finally.

Thanks for the Help Lindsay,

Cudos, Cheers!, Ciao and Cordially,

Steven                       I usually would say Ciao Bello or Bella, 
but I have heard the name Lindsay
                                  in a variety of spellings for both 
male and female.  Didn't mean to leave out
                                  the handsome or beautiful, I am told 
that means.
> --
> Lindsay Mathieson

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