I have read some on Proxy Servers, but I am still confused.

Billie Walsh bilwalsh at swbell.net
Wed Dec 3 18:11:29 UTC 2008

On 12/03/2008 Eberhard Roloff wrote:
>  At least over here in germany this is dangerous advice, since it is
>  mostly not the contents of your computers that is endangered (and
>  again,
>  this your own responsibility) It is, what an attacker might possibly
>  do
>  with your internet connection.
>  When he does criminal things with your connection, over here, you are
>  the first person, who is legally responsible.
>  The only way to escape this responsibility is that you can
>  demonstrate
>  that you did anything you could to protect your connection, i.e. you
>  did
>  anything that one could reasonably expect from someone with your
>  knowledge. And WEP definitely does not suffice!

If I lived in Germany I suppose I would turn my house into Faraday Cage. 
That would satisfy the law. I doubt that anything short of that really 

Over here why would anyone make even the minimal effort it takes to 
crack a WEP when they can pick from any number of wide open systems in 
any residential, and many commercial, area(s). About 90+% of all 
residential routers are wide open and a _lot_ of commercial ones also.

Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.

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