konqueror search engines

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Wed Dec 3 14:36:44 UTC 2008

On Wednesday 03 December 2008, Steven Vollom wrote:
>O. Sinclair wrote:
>> Steven Vollom wrote:
>>> Neil Winchurst wrote:
>>>> Steven Vollom wrote:
>>>>> I have problems sending with Kmail too.  I have been working on it for
>>>>> months.  I really want to change from Thunderbird, but I can only
>>>>> receive with Kmail; I can't send.  I am in the process of changing to
>>>>> Konqueror from Firefox, too.  I am in the getting used to the
>>>>> differences stage.  Soon I will cut the umbilical cord.
>>>>> Steven
>>>> My only possible response is why7?? I have tried kmail but never again.
>>>> And I do like konqueror as a file manager but not as a browser. It just
>>>> shows one of the strengths of Linux, everyone can easily set their
>>>> computer up their way so easily.
>>>> Neil
>>> One thing I like is the speed.  Another is being able to default print
>>> size on everything.  I just got my first large screen monitor, a 22".  I
>>> love it.  I can increase print size to 16 point and still not have to
>>> scroll horizontally.  It doesn't work that way with Thunderbird.
>>> I have a feeling that if I could get the smtp or send capability to
>>> function, I would learn how to become comfortable with its differences.
>> <snip>
>> what is your problem with the send function? Normally I click on the
>> "security" tab and then hits "check what the server supports" and after
>> some waiting I am good. I use both TLS and normal port 25 smtp as well
>> as one provider where I have a unique port open.
>I have tried that and every other option I can think of.  My server
>wants $100 to fix the problem.  AT&T.  They and Unix created the Linux
>system and won't service Linux.  Since I can still use TBird, I can't
>afford $100 for that.  I have copied my configuration to the List; no
>one could help.  I copied the TBird config exactly.  Did not work.

I have to assume you have entered the correct password to access the mail 
server at your ISP?  That is obfuscated by being encrypted in all configs I 
know of, and therefore not a copyable item.

>> Sinclair

Cheers, Gene
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	Man will occasionally stumble over the truth,
	but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on.

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