Spider Solitaire Appology

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 3 08:37:07 UTC 2008

After playing the mid-level game of Spider Solitaire, it took a while to 
remember how I played before.  I told a lie in my explanation of the win 
percentage, but not on purpose.  Using Spider Solitaire as a memory 
exercise, I could not do it with the easiest game for it was too little 
competition.  The second level caused too many losses to keep me 
interested, so I would not start a game until I had at lease two runs of 
three to start out the game.  I would just redeal until that came up.  
With that much of a head start, the game became winnable enough to keep 
it interesting.  So winning percentages became high because I didn't 
start a tough game.  Anyway, it has been more than three years since I 
played, and I wasn't playing to prove anything; I was just playing to 
exercise my memory.  I am embarrassed, because I lost about 10 games in 
a row, when I started playing again.  It wasn't until that happened, 
that I remembered how I got winning to happen enough to want to continue 
to play.  I don't want you guys to think I can't be reasonably trusted.  
I try very hard to not lie anymore.  I am ashamed when I do and don't 
realize it.  I don't do it on purpose anymore.


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