Strange behavior with keyboard and mouse in 8.10

Nils Kassube kassube at
Wed Dec 3 05:28:54 UTC 2008

Jonas Norlander wrote:
> During the last days, perhaps sins the upgrade to the 2.6.27-9 kernel
> i have some strange errors with with my Kubuntu 8.10.
> For some reason the keyboard suddenly start to behave strange for
> example i cant switch VC with the ctrl+alt+fx keys or in konsole

It seems you have activated stickey / slow keys inadvertently. Go to 
System Settings -> Accessibility. At the tab "Modifier Keys uncheck "Use 
sticky keys", at the tab "Keyboard Filters" uncheck "Use slow keys" and 
at the tab "Activation Gestures" uncheck "Use gestures for activating 
sticky kkeys and slow keys". Well, that was for Kubuntu 8.04 but it is 
very similar for 8.10.


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