konqueror search engines

Steven Vollom stevenvollom at sbcglobal.net
Wed Dec 3 00:11:30 UTC 2008

nepal wrote:
> I have just discovered the usefulness of the search engine available to 
> konqueror for searching Ubuntu Community Docs Search. How thoroughly useful!
> Despite having a nightmare earlier today trying to get KMail accounts set up 
> and working which I have since managed, (although KMail keeps messing about 
> with the 'mail transport' to be used, which thoroughly confuses me), I'm 
> having fun with this. I'm really impressed once again by Kubuntu. Thankyou 
> developers and contributors.
> nepal
Dear Nepal,

I have problems sending with Kmail too.  I have been working on it for 
months.  I really want to change from Thunderbird, but I can only 
receive with Kmail; I can't send.  I am in the process of changing to 
Konqueror from Firefox, too.  I am in the getting used to the 
differences stage.  Soon I will cut the umbilical cord.


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