Why use a virtual machine? **RESOLVED**

Eberhard Roloff tuxebi at gmx.de
Mon Dec 1 21:34:18 UTC 2008

Gene Heskett wrote:

> One of the reasons I dumped Hardy Heron was that the sudo seemed to end with 
> the job you gave it, and I got tired of re-entering my password several times 
> a minute.  I use a long password, and 74 year old fingers aren't always well 
> centered on the key, which leads to erroneous entries and tiresome repeats.
> The older 6.06 release that runs emc and my milling machine does not suffer 
> from this.

sudo -i and you enter your password once per day.

which is more clean, but "sudo su"  should also do.
> I have one old IBM keyboard that is great, but its a cast monster that you can 
> hear over at the neighbors, keeping the missus awake.

you better buy one for your neighbours and everyone will never want a 
diferent keyboard. I wish I had more of those.

Kind regards

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