Why use a virtual machine? **RESOLVED**

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at verizon.net
Mon Dec 1 15:54:17 UTC 2008

On Monday 01 December 2008, Derek Broughton wrote:
>Gene Heskett wrote:
>>>> The only thing I miss from Windows is Spider Solitaire, it was
>>>> entertaining once in a while.
>>>It's available in the KDE card games :) (KPath I seem to remember?)
>> You all have forgotten that M$ now uses Windows Genuine Advantage, aka
>> WGA, to
>Only for Vista - and he didn't _have_ a license for that, he had an XP
>license.  I had an OEM copy of Windows 98 upgraded to XP via a licensed
>upgrade disk, and that now runs in a VM on another machine.  afaict,
>it's a fully legal and licensed installation in Canada.
>> Screw 'em and the camel that rode in on them, I tried Ubuntu-8.04 LTS,
>> got tired of fighting with sudo every 30 seconds to get the stuff I
>> wanted (KDE & friends) installed and put an F9 respin on it, much
>> friendlier.  Whatever
>> became of the sudo that was good for 10 minutes anyway?
>Nothing.  I've always had a default of 15 minutes - and that's what you
>get if you don't specify "timestamp_timeout".

One of the reasons I dumped Hardy Heron was that the sudo seemed to end with 
the job you gave it, and I got tired of re-entering my password several times 
a minute.  I use a long password, and 74 year old fingers aren't always well 
centered on the key, which leads to erroneous entries and tiresome repeats.
The older 6.06 release that runs emc and my milling machine does not suffer 
from this.

I have one old IBM keyboard that is great, but its a cast monster that you can 
hear over at the neighbors, keeping the missus awake.

The fingers of course are still a problem on any keyboard, and would be 
greatly alleviated if I could find one that didn't register a key press till 
the key hits the bottom of its stroke.  Sadly, most keyboards will register 
the keystroke if you can feel the finger against the side of an adjacent key.  
But then these hands were never sized for keyboards, I have to buy the 
largest gloves in the bin, and see if I can get them on before heading for 
the checkout, many times I can't get the things on even when they are labeled 
XXL.  Short fingers, but very very wide palm and the cuffs don't stretch to 
let me in.

I miss-stated the release above, it was 8.04.1, a re-spin.  My bad. As I'm the 
only user here, and behind a firewall from hell (dd-wrt), whatever it was 
that was so paranoid about sudo chased me off.  I would like to have a box, 
faster than that one of course, that I could turn the wife loose on, maybe.  
But basically, she isn't interested.  I'd like to fix that, if indeed its 
fixable at her age.

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
It's not so hard to lift yourself by your bootstraps once you're off the 
		-- Daniel B. Luten

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