Web email

Art Alexion art.alexion at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 12:43:16 UTC 2008

On Sunday 30 November 2008 13:53:37 Neil Winchurst wrote:
> it is always better to rely on help from list members rather
> than to go by what I find through Google.

Ironic to this statement, I find Google's gmail to be quite nice.  It has a 
nice threaded web interface, and does IMAP nicely (as long as you pay 
attention to its idiosyncracies).

What may be nice in your situation is that you can have Gmail retrieve mail 
from your other accounts and present them to you in webmail as labeled with 
that account, or in an account folder using IMAP access in kmail.  If you 
don't like it enough to be permanent, you can always go back to retrieving 
that mail from the original server yourself once you return from your trip.

The other things I like about it are excellent spam filtering (don't use local 
filtering with it as it slows things down too much) and being able to use 
IMAP with some accounts that I have that don't support IMAP themselves.  I 
access my mail from multiple computers, and could never go back to POP again.

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