Why use a virtual machine? **RESOLVED**

Steve Lamb grey at dmiyu.org
Mon Dec 1 08:10:39 UTC 2008

Donn wrote:
> We see these sudo threads quite often; the solution I use for permanent sudo 
> is to:
> sudo -i
> (That's sudo dash i-as-in-lower-case-eye)
> I keep a konsole tab open with this all the time! It never fails.

> (I think of it as sudo -i-want-root-all-the-time-damnit!)

    I go the other route.  I have an alias in my .zshrc file:
alias root='sudo su - -p'

    Looks silly but I want more than the sudo -i provides.  So for me when I
want root I tell it just that, root.

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