Compiz Fusion help needed.
Steven Vollom
stevenvollom at
Mon Dec 1 00:38:39 UTC 2008
Paul Rumelhart wrote:
> Steven Vollom wrote:
>> The only place I found reference to zoom was under the Uncateforized
>> category at the bottom of the General Options page. It did not provide
>> a zoom value. Under Advanced Search, I found a Window Depth option; it
>> is currently at 0.3000. Under settings>Plugin>Enhanced Zoom Desktop, I
>> tried to change it from 1.0100 to 0.5068, however when I tried the box,
>> it returned to the 1.0100 setting. I think I clicked on every option
>> looking for a zoom value. I must be on a wrong page.
> I should have been more clear. Sorry about that. To see the cube
> itself, make sure "Desktop Cube" is checked. It's under the heading
> "Desktop" on the right side of the window.
I had already checked that. No dialog box came up.
> This may bring up a dialog
> box letting you know that the default desktop effect is incompatible
> with it. This is OK, you can always go back to the defaults.
> Then make sure the "Rotate Cube" effect is checked. This also in the
> "Desktop" section.
I had already checked that too.
> This will allow you to turn the cube faces. The
> Zoom parameter I was talking about is in the Rotate Cube settings, so
> click on the "Rotate Cube" words. This should bring up a page with two
> tabs ("General" and "Bindings"). Under "General" should be a slider
> called "Zoom". Set this to around 0.5 to get an idea what I'm talking
> about. You may want a different value, depending.
You have me laughing again. I get so happy, I can't control it. I
thought I read every option. I don't know how I missed it. This is so fun.
>>> I
>>> remember playing with the values until everything spun at the speed I
>>> wanted it to. I also have Cube Reflection on (in the Effects area),
>>> which shows the cube over a reflective floor. I think it's a
>>> great-looking effect.
>> Can't seem to find this option.
> In my system, it's under Advanced Desktop Effects Settings, on the right
> hand side under "Effects" in the right-hand column. I may have
> installed extra compiz effects, though. I'm not sure.
This is so fun. I found it.
>>> I also have it setup so that if I hold down the Alt key and use the
>>> wheel on the mouse, it will make the window the mouse is over more
>>> transparent.
>> This works. Looks great. I hope my memory can retain this soon.
>>> That way, if my window is blocking another window and I
>>> need to see what's on it, I can make the window slightly transparent so
>>> I can continue to work in it but also see what's behind it. I don't
>>> remember if I had to change it to do that or if it's default behavior.
>> Apparently it is default.
>>> I also recommend using the Window Previews (in Advanced Desktop Effects
>>> Settings in the Extras area). If this is enabled you should see a small
>>> preview window whenever you mouse over a window icon in the start bar.
There is a heading Taskbar; I have checked 'Taskbar Shows Only Windows
of Current Viewport' and Thumbnails Always on Top', is that enabling them?
>> I chose 'Window Previows' however don't see a change with mouse over.
>> Perhaps it will engage on boot up. Maybe there is something else I have
>> to do too, to get this affect. This is just great.
> I'm probably not describing this well. I wasn't sure how to put it into
> words. I think you mentioned in one of your posts that your K-menu is
> at the top of your screen. When you open a window (such as by launching
> a browser or some other application) an icon probably appears at the top
> of your screen in that gray bar with the application icon and the name
> of the application. It may be at the bottom of your screen, it depends
> on how you've set things up. When you put your mouse over the top of
> one of these little areas, you should see a picture of the application
> pop up above or below it.
Something strange has happened again. The menu bar at the top of a
window has diminished and I can no longer drag a window again. Also,
when I clicked on the back button on the Compiz window, it left the
screen. I am going to wait for your reply before I do anything. When I
lose, Drag and Drop, I panic a bit. I use that all the time. Thanks
friend, I will wait for your answer to this problem.
>>> This is useful when I have a few of the same window types open, and I'm
>>> not sure which one is the one I want. Mousing over them will show me a
>>> snapshot of what they actually look like at that second. If you have a
>>> video open, it will actually show the video as it's progressing in the
>>> preview window.
>>> I've also played around with animations, which are nice but don't
>>> actually help me be more productive. I also like having Wobbly Windows
>>> enabled, although it does nothing to really help me either. It just
>>> looks nice.
>> I like wobbly windows too. I also thing aesthetics are as good a reason
>> as anything for using features. It is healthy for the right brain. I
>> am what is called a fine-artist by trade, retired now, but aesthetics
>> are my life.
>> If it isn't too much trouble to help me get the features to work that
>> didn't seem to work for me, I would appreciate it. Having help while
>> learning features is very instructional for me. I am 100% right brain
>> still. Logical thinking is still laborous. That is where my computer
>> life is. And thanks again so much, for your time and consideration.
>> By the way, if I screw up settings somehow and want to return to some
>> type of default, is that possible without reinstalling. There are so
>> many technical choices, I can see myself getting confused and not being
>> able to backtrack to correct the problems I may create?
> Most of the individual settings have a button that will let you go back
> to defaults. If you want to go clear back, you can just kill compiz by
> running "killall compiz.real" at the command-line.
> Paul
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