Skype replacement
Dotan Cohen
dotancohen at
Sun Aug 31 16:57:51 UTC 2008
2008/8/31 Sylviane et Perry White <spwhite at>:
> On Sunday 31 August 2008 13:31, Sylviane et Perry White wrote:
>> On Saturday 30 August 2008 21:15, Edmund Laugasson wrote:
>> [snip]
>> > You can organize all your friends to use Ekiga and then you can
>> > communicate freely
> I'm not relpying to myself but adding to my previous answer.
> I hadden't read all the material provided by Edmund at that moment, and just
> foud out that SKIPE is
> *known to have a hidden Government Interception Module*
Please tell us how you know this. These accusations are made of all
proprietary software, including (and especially) the Windows operating
system. Even SELinux has been accused of this. Even HARDWARE has been
accused of having backdoors.
> This aspect is much more disturbing than than the FLOSS versus proprietary
> one. Il will inform my group.
Actually, it _is_ the same aspect. When you have the source, even if
you yourself cannot read it, you can rest knowing that knowledgeable
eyes have gone over the code (assuming a popular enough product). That
said, you should google the underhanded C contest and see that these
backdoors can exist in FOSS software as well.
In any case, Skype is a network application. Always assume that every
node along the network is sniffing.
Dotan Cohen
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