(OT) No More downloads for Comcast Customers

Howard Coles Jr. dhcolesj at gmail.com
Sat Aug 30 17:38:09 UTC 2008

On Saturday 30 August 2008 12:09:33 pm Brian wrote:
> On Sat, August 30, 2008 12:59 pm, Howard Coles Jr. wrote:
> > we're all "subject to a limit" generically speaking.
> >
> > --
>    I would have a rough time with the cap as well.. 2 kids
> 3 computers.
> Current:  13.1 Kbit/s / 98.8 Kbit/s (Out / In)
> Today:	  59.4 MB / 1021.1 MB (Out / In)
> Month:	  2.6 GB / 58.1 GB (Out / In)
>   Steam downloads alone for my boys games is
> 21gb.
> << OT added to Subject to make others happy. >>

No kidding, you'd be toast already!

I can download 2 GB in half day, easy.  The kids play online games on Sites 
related to their school work, and they do a lot of researching online.  I'd 
be out of the water.

I checked again, and all the sites "say" 250GB, which to me, is still not 
right considering their advertisements.  However, I specifically threw out 
the "2GB" number this morning chatting with Comcast's Tech support, and the 
response was "Yes, All Comcast customers are subject the the bandwidth 
limit".  It would have been hard for her to mistake that for 2TB, or anything 
else.  My question was:  I need to know if I'm subject to the Rediculously 
low 2GB limit I just read about?  (thinking they would correct me with the 
real limit if it was different than what I quoted).

My problem is I can't find another internet provider where I live.

See Ya'
Howard Coles Jr.
John 3:16!

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