automatic update notifer

Peter Klaassen peterklaassen at
Wed Aug 27 14:49:27 UTC 2008

Op Wednesday 27 August 2008 15:38:39 schreef Willy K. Hamra:
> reading through cron file, i noticed the apt cache checks, do you have
> package managers running a lot during the day? adept or synaptic or even
> apt-get and aptitude in a terminal, do you run these programs a lot? if
> any one of them is running, the cron job would not run, since the
> package database would be reported in use.

negative, Willy
Since the automatic system does not work I only run
mannually in terminal:
 "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo
apt-get uprade"

or something must run without me knowing!
where can I check the processes running?

Registered Linux user # 458207

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