PCI BIOS bug number 81 lockup!

cherryfinals cherryfinals at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 26 23:44:16 UTC 2008

My daughter just called in a panic. I setup her system with Kubuntu Hardy Heron back on Mother's Day and she has been happily using it ever since. 

This evening, when she tries to boot her laptop, it halts with this error message:

PCI BIOS bug number 81

And the only way to reboot is to remove the battery. 

She has tried several times and it always locks at the same place.

I did a quick websearch and found a LOT of threads and most say it is a harmless bug report. None of them give a fix and the few that report lockups have no fixes listed, nor even a common cause. 

Any ideas?


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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt


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