external usb modem

Stefan stefan at fuhrmann.homedns.org
Mon Aug 25 08:17:58 UTC 2008


Am Montag 25 August 2008 00:05:34 schrieb John Heinen:

> or rather, go direct to: www.linuxant.com

thanks. I use scanmodem now and getting from: ModemData:
USB modems not recognized

and "modprobe fxusb" is fine!

I installed minicom and found the modem on /dev/tty8.
I did a ln -s to /dev/modem
no I have access to modem. I tried kppp and gnome-ppp, only what I get :
"initialising modem" and it do nothing!
and I can not found something in logs.

hmm, what next?


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