Konqueror the ultimate Linux tool or cool things you can do with it

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Tue Aug 19 15:52:30 UTC 2008

Dotan Cohen wrote:

> 2008/8/16 Derek Broughton <news at pointerstop.ca>:
>> See Konqueror / Settings / Configure Konqueror / Web Shortcuts for a list
>> of
>> available "protocols" available in Konqueror.  iirc, though I confess to
>> mostly accepting it as magic, not all of these are actually kio slaves.
>> The kio slaves are (like fish: and sftp:) are available from _all_ KDE
>> programs (I love opening remote files from kate - "kate
>> sftp://domain/filename").
> Have you seen Kate's built-in file manager?

Right, I have - but never really thought much about it.

> I browse a dozen remote 
> servers as if they were local either in Konqi or right there in Kate!
> I actually considered naming my daughter after that program!

Konqui? Maybe it works better in Hebrew :-)  

>> For the web shortcuts, the most common ones I use are dict: (merriam
>> webster dictionary); of course, gg: (google); and locate: (this is a
>> kio_slave that searches your slocate database).
> Be it known that Firefox has this feature as well. Make a bookmark
> http://google.com/search?q=s% with the keyword "g". Now type "g linux"
> into the address bar.

istr seeing that before, but it doesn't seem terribly obvious.  

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