quick launcher and konq

Jonas Norlander jonorland at gmail.com
Fri Aug 8 21:05:25 UTC 2008

2008/8/8 D. R. Evans <doc.evans at gmail.com>:
> OK... it says:
>  Add Application ->
>  Configure Quicklauncher...
>  Remove
>> 2. Configure
> I assume you mean "Configure Quicklauncher..."
>> 3. Application tab
> There is no "Application" tab. In fact, no tabs at all.
> This is Kununtu 64-bit 8.04, but I think this behaviour hasn't changed in a
> long time.
> Somewhere there has to be an ini or rc file that I can edit, but I can't
> find it.
>  Doc

When you adding an icon/program to the quicklauncher you are choosing
it from your start menu so one way to do it would be to make a menu
entry with the command you want and add that to the quicklauncher.

/ Jonas

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