GRUB question.

Derek Broughton news at
Fri Aug 8 14:24:30 UTC 2008

Giorgos Kostopoulos wrote:

> * 2) If I'm at GRUB menu, I'm always able to hit ctrl-alt-del and reboot
> from floppy, but putting an fd0 entry in GRUB menu, giving me the
> possibility to boot from the floppy (after putting a bootable floppy in
> tray (eg. supergrub disk, or freedos), with selecting the floppy menu
> entry, without rebooting.

That's a reboot - no wonder I was confused.  You always have to reboot to
start a new kernel.

> Unfortunately, adding an cdr0, cdrom or dvd entry, is giving me the:
> "error23: error while parsing number.
> press any key to continue..."

What exactly do you have in /boot/grub/menu.lst?

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