KDE 4.1 - just an opinion

Glenn R Williams gloonie at earthlink.net
Thu Aug 7 14:10:22 UTC 2008

You raise some valid points. I am a big fan of KDE 4.1 and now that Kontact is 
in the mix, I feel like it's improving very rapidly. Despite its problems, I 
use it full time (my "Plan B" is that I also have Gnome installed in case of 

That said, I think it was a TERRIBLE strategy to call KDE 4.0 a "Release", 
with all the expectations that raises. (Namely, that minimally things would 
work, and that the major functionality of the prior release would be retained, 
Kmail and Kontact being case in point).

In my view, no matter how many qualifications you put on it, KDE 4.0, and 4.1 
were more like Beta releases for new products which the authors wanted to put 
out to the community for testing. This would have been legitimate in itself, 
but wouldn't a better strategy have been to call it something like "KDE 
Stealth" or "KDE Future". Giving a release number always implies the 
superseding and subsuming of an older "release", not the injection of tons of 
new technology.


On Thursday 07 August 2008 09:57:28 Gordon Schulz wrote:
> On Thu, 07 Aug 2008 15:15, O. Sinclair <o.sinclair at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Yes. Not to be blasphemous but I get a sort of "XP contra
> > Vista" - feeling....but not true KDE4 had 6 months DEVELOPMENT but USAGE
> > rather, no?
> Guess I should have linked the post. ;p
> http://aseigo.blogspot.com/2008/08/41-is-out-and-i-too-am-going-to-akademy.
>html --
> Gordon.

Glenn R Williams
Tegirmende tovmış sıçgan kökreginge korkmas
	-- Atasöz

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