set up a root password

Gene Heskett gene.heskett at
Tue Aug 5 19:20:27 UTC 2008

On Tuesday 05 August 2008, Ulrich Grün wrote:
>2008/8/5 Gordon Schulz <gordon.schulz at>:
>> On Tue, 05 Aug 2008 12:57, Derek Broughton <news at> wrote:
>>> I respect your right to install a root password, I just
>>> think it a very bad idea to tell newbies to do that as their first task -
>>> and then laugh about how they might screw everything up if they aren't
>>> careful.
>> Signed. As one also pointing out in this thread how to set a root
>> password - not that I'd tell new users to do that, but being able to
>> properly su'ing into root makes doing extensive administrative tasks a
>> lot easier than sudo'ing around.
>One could, of course, use "sudo -i". This gives the user a root shell
>where he can work around as if the user had done "su" or if he/she
>logged in as "root"

That 'sudo -i' is knowledge that should be passed out a heck of a lot freer 
than it is.  

OTOH, that shell with root priv's should somehow make itself marked as such by 
a border color change or something, as when popping around to the various 
terminal shells running, it would be too easy to hit the wrong but root shell 
and mess the whole thing up.

I too railed at having to sudo this and sudo that and made a root account that 
I could log into.  But its a one way street, because the only way to undo it 
seems to be a re-install.  Which I did on that box.

>. " To faith only the holy is true, to knowledge only the true is holy "
>. (L. Feuerbach)

Cheers, Gene
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
He walks as if balancing the family tree on his nose.

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