Make a word list from a text

Brendan mailinglist at
Sat Aug 2 05:03:24 UTC 2008

On Friday 01 August 2008, Wulfy wrote:
> I want to take a text file and extract all the words and sort them into
> a unique list.  I've looked at split, cut, sed and awk (the last two

This is not exactly correct, but this is a good start...
It's from memory, so it should only be slightly wrong.


my $filename = "foo.txt";
open( FILE, "< $filename" ) or die "Can't open $filename : $!";
my @words;
my @tmp;

while (<FILE>){
        @tmp = split(/ /, $_);
        push @tmp, "\n";
        push @words, @tmp ;

#       push @words, (split(/ /, $_));
#       push @words, "\n";


print @words;


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