dl prob on 8.04

Billie Walsh bilwalsh at swbell.net
Mon Apr 28 12:36:53 UTC 2008

Gene Heskett wrote:
> Greetings;
> I tried to dl the ubuntu-8.04 LTS cd yesterday, and had to restart it severral 
> times as the repo's were moving like a dialup circuit.  That erased and 
> restarted it several times.  So when I get done with the days activities and 
> go to burn a copy, k3b complains about the image size, I look and its only 
> 599MiB, was supposed to be 699MiB.
> Since the quickest way to fix this would be to 'restart' a torrent, I went 
> looking for a .tor file for it.
> And I have struck out so far.  Anybody have a URL for it?
I used kget to download the CD. I set it to restart if/when it stalled 
and just left to run for a day while I went and did other things. It 
eventually made it. Checked the MD5sum and it was correct 

Life is what happens while your busy making other plans.

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