Klaptopdaemon / Battery Monitor

Rick Knight rick_knight at rlknight.com
Tue Apr 22 17:48:19 UTC 2008

Derek Broughton wrote:
> Rick Knight wrote:
>> Here's the actual content of the files in /proc/acpi/battery...
>> root at rick-laptop:~# grep -r "" /proc/acpi/battery/*
>> /proc/acpi/battery/C170/alarm:present:                 no
>> /proc/acpi/battery/C170/state:present:                 no
>> /proc/acpi/battery/C170/info:present:                 no
>> /proc/acpi/battery/C171/alarm:alarm:                   unsupported
> Ah-hah!  How many batteries do you actually have?  This claims there are
> two, but one's missing.
>> It looks like the battery has been detected.
> "The battery" - your battery is C171 but this odd notification of C170 seems
> to be causing problems.  I know I've seen something about this...
I have just the one battery and there is NO second slot for an 
additional battery. Could C170 be the bios battery?

BTW I did the dbus restart. No difference.


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