wifi - working

Billie Walsh bilwalsh at swbell.net
Sun Sep 23 17:54:04 UTC 2007

Geez!!! Sometimes I can be SO stupid.

Ya gotta run that "lsmod" on the laptop STUPID!!!


 From the laptop I get, snipped for brevity to whatever I saw that 
contained anything to do with "wlan" +/-:

sb                 16652   0
12c_ec              6016   1 sbs
lp                 12452   0
wlan_wep            7936   1
wlan_scan_sta      14976   1
ath_rate_sample    14080   1
joydev             10816   0
ath_pci            97312   0
wlan              204868   5
wlan_wep, wlan_scan_sta,ath_rate_sample, ath_pci
ath_hal           192592   3 ath_rate_sample, ath_pci
snd_maestro3       27012   1
snd_ac97_codec     98464   1 snd_maestro3

I didn't see anything that looked like it dealt with network cards. It 
all looked pretty much like the one I had been scanning on the desktop.

Billie Walsh
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