pppoe grinds to a halt

Donn donn.ingle at gmail.com
Sun Sep 23 12:13:55 UTC 2007

> persist
>        Do not exit after a connection is  terminated;  instead  try  to
>        reopen the connection. The maxfail option still has an effect on
>        persistent connections.

Yup. I have tried this one too. I like the other options you mention, perhaps 
that idle one will force a disconnect and then the persist will try bring it 
up again?

Anything has to be better than the bash script I have running at the moment: I 
ping google, upon and error result I murder the ppp0 connection, start it 
again, repeat. ;)

I just find the man page for pppd so confusing - I am so not a network fundi, 
heck I'm not even on the path to first principles.

Thx for the gen so far. I'll go look up the idle, demand and active-filter 


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