user admin kubuntu

David Fletcher kubuntu-users at
Sun Sep 23 11:41:06 UTC 2007

On Sunday 23 Sep 2007, Jesus Arocho wrote:
> Hello:
> I installed kubuntu on my wife's dell 6000 inspiron laptop as follows:  I
> went through the installation and entered my name for the first user
> account created and later created a user account under her name.  So, my
> account is the sudo account.  I found that her account cannot read but not
> write to the r/w cd/dvd device.  I now also find that her account cannot
> access a Palm z22 device I purchased this weekend.  The system does create
> /dev/ttyUSB1 but she does not have access.  How can I sort this out?

You don't say which version of Kubuntu you're using. Is it Dapper, Feisty or 

When I tried Dapper, I found that these resources were disabled by default to 
normal users. Feisty seemed to enable them by default for me.

Anyway, I'd say to check your wife's group memberships in the User Management 
section of the System Settings application. As I recall, adding membership of 
the cdrom and plugdev groups enabled use of the CD drive and USB memory 
devices. Same with the scanner group. If you look in /dev you might find 
these groups in the properties of the devices.

Does this help?

Dave Fletcher

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