
Billie Walsh bilwalsh at swbell.net
Sat Sep 22 12:28:49 UTC 2007

On 09/22/2007 Terence Simpson wrote:
> If it works then you already have the driver, no need to install 
> another
> one, and kwifimanager will not add any functionality that's not 
> already
> in knetworkmanager.
> Like they say, if it ain't broke...
> Terence

I'm not so sure it is working. The lights on the card don't light at 
all. I put in the WEP key and "shared" and click connect, it gets so far 
and stalls. Knetwork manager does show all the networks available though.

It does read the card but its sort of like the driver is wrong. Or at 
least something is "missing".

Billie Walsh
The three best words in the English Language:
Pass them on!

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