Dazuko Installation

O. Sinclair o.sinclair at gmail.com
Fri Sep 21 08:23:55 UTC 2007

Fragoulis Tomboulis wrote:
> Hello Sinclair and thanks for your replay.
> You're right, but I would like the "on access scanning" option because
> It seems to me, to be more secure that way.
> So, do you have any ideas about the problem?
> Please notice that the error recorded in /var/log/messages is:
> "dazuko: failed to register"
No I have never tried dazuko myself. I am in a Windows-dominated 
environment but as far as I am concerned it is enough for me to do a 
scan now and then of my "home" and to keep an eye on incoming mail. You 
will soon notice what is virus anyhow in a linux-environment. For fun I 
have tried to click on some links etc. and all that happens is - 
nothing. When I scan my mailfolders it has happened that some winvirus 
was lurking there but nothing that can affect me. Hence I don't worry 
about on-access scanning.

But check ubuntuforums.org or the forums at

and I am sure you will find help.


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