Kubuntu vs. Ubuntu

Billie Walsh bilwalsh at swbell.net
Sun Sep 16 00:36:40 UTC 2007

On 09/15/2007 Harold Hartley wrote:
> I thought the same thing about gnome and after trying gnome just 
> once, I 
> found it to be very complete and better organized and automatically 
> installed the modules that was needed when using a web site...
> I never went back to kde after my use of gnome...
> Harold

I've loaded Ubuntu (Gnome) a couple times. When I first started messing 
around with Linux [ SuSE 9.* ] I loaded both desktops and tried both for 
a while. As I have said before, I can't tell you why but I just don't 
care for Gnome. I find KDE to be much more comfortable, at least for me.

I guess it's sort of like the reason they make both Fords and Chevy's. 
Some like one and some like the other. I like KDE and you like Gnome. 
And do you know the best part? We're both right. We both use the best 

Billie Walsh
The three best words in the English Language:
Pass them on!

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