software suggestions (fire department)

D. Michael McIntyre michael.mcintyre at
Tue Sep 11 23:44:45 UTC 2007

On Monday 10 September 2007, Michael W. Holdeman wrote:
> 1. mapping. I need to be able to enter an address into the toughbook in the
> fire truck or ambulance and have the mapping app show me where it is. I
> dont care so much about directions just a location.

I'm a truck driver, and mapping/routing is a subject close to my heart.  I've 
never found a Linux native solution, though I have had success making do with 
Google Maps.

Google Earth seems to be Google Maps rolled up into a cute 3D globe thingie, 
and there is a native Linux version available.  You might play with that.  
I'm not sure how useful it could be, as I haven't tried to use it for this 

Otherwise, I think you're probably stuck with the need to have a useably fast 
internet connection to get your maps, which is probably a bad thing in a fire 
department.  How do you get your maps when everything is all to hell, and the 
internet is busted?  Not cool!

Beyond that, Windows, I fear.

> 2. Preplanning. Organizing all my preplanning documents for all my
> occupancies (businesses, homes etc...)

No real insight about any of this.
D. Michael McIntyre 

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