networking project

Michael Bach (gmx) bach.michael at
Mon Sep 3 16:50:37 UTC 2007

Harold Hartley wrote:
> Billie Walsh wrote:
>> On 09/03/2007 Michael Bach (gmx) wrote:
>>> The standard linksys
>>> software is maybe too limited for more advanced setups of port
>>> forwarding or packet routing. You can replace the original linksys
>>> firmware by openwrt [1] (I actually run my router with this). Openwrt
>>> can be extended by additional packages.
>> Yikes! I had forgotten about the openwrt thing. By all means if you are 
>> running a Linksys install the new software to it. It makes a monster 
>> machine out of them. We've got two running and they kick booty. [ Don't 
>> tell anyone I told you but you can crank them babies up to about a 
>> quarter watt output for some real WIFI connectivity. Don't recommend it 
>> for long term use but............... We run ours at about 100/125mW. ]
>> IF you try to access the router from a windows machine use Firefox, NOT 
>> IE. When we changed over our first one Tracie, who has to have Windows 
>> for her work, thought she had killed the router. IE wouldn't show all 
>> the menus, and trashed what it did show. I logged in with Firefox on 
>> Linux and everything was fine. She opened up Firefox and logged in and 
>> it was fine.
> Do you have to run windows to install the software to the router or can 
> I use linux to do that.
> Harold
Both windows (with ie and ff) and linux (with ff) work with the linksys
firmware upgrade. I usually enable/allow all java script and disable any
adblocker for such procedures. And if the web frontend says that
upgrading takes a while, it's usually in the range of two to three
minutes, it shouldn't take much longer.


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