to Thread of Not to Thread messages... a problem

David McGlone d.mcglone at
Sat Oct 27 02:35:44 UTC 2007

On Friday 26 October 2007 10:09:55 pm Richard wrote:
> there seems to be a glitch with kmail of Not opening JUST new added thread
> messages, instead all threads get open, Even thou I have selected open
> thread that contain new message. under list options.
> All threads are still open, even when I closed them all
> in all folders, is there a way to fix this ?
> Other words, if I open a folder, I should only see a thread open that
> contain a new message.

Hmmm. I've not run into that problem. been using threaded messages for a long 

are you using kmail or kontact? I'm using kontact, wonder if that makes any 
difference. I doubt it because kontact is basically a wrapper for kmail.

Never know.

David M.

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