Resize/compress pictures when sending mail
Michael Hirsch
mdhirsch at
Fri Oct 26 16:46:50 UTC 2007
On 10/24/07, Karl Vanwynsberghe <karl.vanwynsberghe at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there also something like the following in win-XP.
> => When sending multiple pictures via explorer then you have a option to
> resize all the pitures.
> This way you're able to send morepictures at once.
I get to plug my solution. It's a KDE Service Menu which can be found
It's just a simple shell script (but with GUI feedback!). if you
install it in the right place, puts an "Action" on the right-click
menu to resize the photos.
I use it all the time, and so does my wife. Give it a try.
Here's the description:
resizePhoto is a nice service menu to resize your photos to a size
suitable for emailing. It will resize any picture so that it is no
more than 640 pixels on a side while preserving the aspect ration.
This size can easily be changed by editing a text file.
You can resize any number of photos simultaneously by multiselecting
them in Konqueror, then choosing the "Resize Photo" service menu.
A dialog will display the progress. The dialog has a cancel button.
Open a folder containing some image files (.png, .jpg, .gif) in Konqueror.
Select one or several of these files.
Right-click one of the selected file and select Action->Resize Photo.
(See first screenshot.)
A dialog will appear showing the progress of the resizing. (See second
screenshot.) Press cancel if you so desire.
A folder named "Sized" will appear in the image folder. The resized
photos are in that folder.
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