Where's the "Cube"

Chris Miller lordsauronthegreat at gmail.com
Wed Oct 24 22:27:33 UTC 2007

On 10/24/07, Greg Booth <bootgr at gmail.com> wrote:
> > > Yeah, have to have what, at least 4 desktops to get the cube ? I've
> > > played around with this in KDE but it's just not very stable. It seems
> > > to crash every once in a while and make you restart X.
> >
> > Right, you got to have four for the cube, but three or five and upwards
> > will do all the same. With two you get a nice flip-flop thingy anyway.
> >
> > I've given up compiz in kde: it's just not compatible enough. I have the
> > impression that beryl was doing slightly better.
> >
> > --
> > lanzen
> >
> Yeah, has anyone else tried the compiz-fuzion packages ? Supposedly
> it's a collaborative effort by both compiz and beryl to get it
> working.

Worked very well for me on OpenSuSE 10.2... except I used it on a
GeForce 8500 so it would crash all the time because it's not used to
having a SMP streaming processor, which the 8-series is.  I also have
Beryl working reasonably well on my Intel i855GM IBM notebook,
however, I don't leave it on, since the lack of GPU muscle makes the
framerate problematic at best.

Registered Linux Addict #431495
John 3:16!

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