Resize/compress pictures when sending mail

Jarkko Palviainen jarkko.palviainen at
Wed Oct 24 19:01:48 UTC 2007

On Wed, 24 Oct 2007 21:35:31 +0300, Karl Vanwynsberghe  
<karl.vanwynsberghe at> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there also something like the following in win-XP.
> => When sending multiple pictures via explorer then you have a option to
> resize all the pitures.
> This way you're able to send morepictures at once.
> Thx for the info.
> Karl,

At least Gwenview viewer for KDE seems to offer this kind of functionality.
Plugins -> images -> email images... -> and there's a bunch of options,  
such as the resize and limiting the total size of the email.

If the package is not installed by default, install it by "sudo aptitude  
install gwenview"

- Jarkko

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