Wireless Logitech keyboard & mouse broke after Feisty updates

Anton Rolls anton at wilddsl.net.au
Wed Oct 24 11:01:22 UTC 2007


I was a bit over-confident in applying a whole bunch of updates
to Feisty on a friend's AMD64 machine.
The updates all downloaded and completed successfully, but then I 
noticed the mouse wasn't working... then shortly after, the keyboard
(Kicking myself, I didn't back up the system partition first.)

It's a Logitech wireless keyboard & mouse combo.
And the system is an AMD64 dual core cpu.

For now, I've plugged in an old crappy keyboard and a HP USB mouse,
and these are working, but the wireless keybd & mouse are my
friend's preference.

Any tips to diagnose or directions to bug report ?



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