Gutsy: closing laptop lid makes screen blink

Paul S paulatgm at
Tue Oct 23 12:16:31 UTC 2007

Galvanick Lucipher said the following on 10/23/2007 04:34 AM:
> except one thing: whenever I press the lid button, the screen doesn't blank 
> immediately; instead, it stays on a few seconds and then starts blinking on 
> and off at random times (but never more than 20-30 seconds aparts), and it 
> looks as if X was being restarted. Sometimes, the screensaver also kicks in, 
> even when I switch it off from the control panel.

See if you can find any messages at the time after the lid button is 
closed in /var/log/<files>.  For example, when you activate the lid 
button in /var/log/messages, you'll get a message like:

Oct 21 09:57:39 localhost kernel: [  900.144000] input: Lid Switch as 

Now, start reading the lines after that for odd messages or errors.  If 
any appear, you can put the exact message in a google search and a 
launchpad bug search to see if the problem has been solved by someone.


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