Kubunty Gusty slower than Feisty

Jarkko Palviainen jarkko.palviainen at lut.fi
Fri Oct 19 20:33:42 UTC 2007

On Fri, 19 Oct 2007 23:11:19 +0300, Art Alexion <art.alexion at verizon.net>  

> On Friday 19 October 2007 11:41:01 Jordi Ferrando Fabra wrote:
>> I have the impression that Gusty is noticeable slower than Feisty.
>>  Has any of you experienced the same?
> No. and I am running it on an old 1ghz Dell with 512k ram.  Won't do  
> compiz
> but kde is fine.

Actually, I find Gutsy a bit faster than Feisty (I did an upgrade). X/KDE  
feels snappy, can't tell whether it is current xorg, nvidia drivers, KDE,  
or all of them together. I'm not running compiz either.

Have you checked system logs, there might be some issues?

Jarkko Palviainen
Laserkatu 3 as. 233
53850 Lappeenranta

GSM: +358 468 104 666
email: jarkko dot palviainen at lut dot fi

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