Compiz slow, no effects (Gutsy with ATI X1400)

Dotan Cohen dotancohen at
Fri Oct 19 16:11:59 UTC 2007

Update: fglrxinfo crashes X.

Note that I've gotten a bit further with XGL and now this is the
output of compiz:
gutsy at gutsy-laptop:~$ compiz
Checking for Xgl: present.
Checking for nVidia: not present.
Checking for Xgl: present.
Starting emerald
/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Fatal: GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap is missing
/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Error: Failed to manage screen: 0
/usr/bin/compiz.real (core) - Fatal: No manageable screens found on display :1.0

Also, I can move windows with ALT-left drag so I know that compiz is
running. But it is unbelievably sluggish.

Dotan Cohen

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