NFS Question on mounting

Nigel Ridley nigel at
Wed Oct 17 15:27:36 UTC 2007

CH wrote:
> I have Dapper on the server, Gutsy on one of the notebooks, and NFS capability 
> installed on both, as far as I know.  When I attempt to mount a designated 
> share, I get errors.  Frankly, the syntax has changed since I did this two or 
> three years ago --according to what I can remember, that is.
> root at laptop:/home/yogich# mount.nfs4 /media/cdrom0
> mount.nfs4: mount to NFS server '' failed: System Error: 
> Connection refused
> root at laptop:/home/yogich# mount.nfs4 
> /media/cdrom0
> mount.nfs4: mount to NFS server '' failed: System Error: 
> Connection refused
> Pointers appreciated. :)

This is my fstab entry:
#nfs entry for access to nigels_box
192.168.0.*:/home/nigel /mnt/Home	nfs noauto,rw,user,hard,intr	0 0
(all on one line from 192.168.0.*)
NB: The * is just to mask my static ip address (and also below)

I remember that there is something in NFS that doesn't allow root 
connections - I always connect as a regular user.

Don't forget you need to have entries in /etc/exports; /etc/hosts and 
/etc/hosts.allow on the server:
/home/nigel	192.168.0.*(sync,rw,root_squash)
192.168.0.*	laptop

ALL:		192.168.0.*
portmap:	192.168.0.*
lockd:		192.168.0.*
mountd:		192.168.0.*
rquotad:	192.168.0.*
statd:		192.168.0.*


Also man nfs


OliveRoot Ministries

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